A few of the key ways to actively engage in publisher recruitment are our Publisher Directory, the built in Publisher Discovery tool, and checking our latest News & Highlights.
Publisher Directory: a full directory of all publishers on the Affiliate Future network, with highest performing publishers listed first. These can be filtered in various ways, such as by publisher promotional type, category, or how new they are on the network. An overview of each publisher is displayed clearly, and each publisher can also be clicked through to find out further information. You can also invite publishers to your programme directly from here; under the Status column, if there is an envelope icon, click this to send a message inviting the publisher to the programme (a template is pre-made which can be changed if required). If under this column there is a green tick, the publisher is already signed up, and a blue question mark means that a response is still waiting from a sign-up request. You can send a nudge on a pending sign-up request every 7 days.
If you have reached out to any publishers but have not heard back, or would like to learn more about them prior, please drop a message to your account manager or our Support Team.
Publisher Discovery: There are multiple tabs within this tool. The first, “My Affiliates” should be readily available for you to use. This is a publisher recommendation tool, using artificial intelligence and machine learning to filter publishers based on their value and relevance to your site specifically, learning your preferences for future recommendations. If you click onto one of the publishers, you are able to view additional information (such as social profiles and contact details where available), and also Invite them to your programme directly.
You can also search under the "My Vertical" tab. After selecting your vertical (category), results will display based on recommendations for your vertical specifically. These can include publishers that are actually not on the Affiliate Future network yet, and so will need contacting to join Affiliate Future as a publisher before they can join your programme.
At an additional subscription, you can access “My Competitors” and “GAP Analysis”, allowing you to add the domains of your competitors (on other networks) and run GAP reports to recruit new publishers to your programme who are performing well for your competitors. For more information on this please talk to the Affiliate Future Support Team.
If you require any support using the Publisher Discovery tool, let us know and we can organise a demo call with our friends at Publisher Discovery.
News & Highlights: Frequently checking News & Highlights is a great way to source new partnerships with key publishers on the network, as well as optimise existing campaigns. These can include media packs, highlights, opportunities, and other key information, all posted by our Publisher Team on behalf of key network publishers. If there are any publishers or opportunities you are interested in learning more about, get in touch with our Publisher Team or raise a ticket.