To get to your Reporting Tools, sign into your advertiser account and go to the Reporting tab.

Overview Report:  

Shows an overview of the current programmes.

Simply select the date range and run report.

Check Transactions > Transactions:

Shows all transactions within your set cancellation period.

Select the date range and if you wish you can also search by reference.

This is where you should come to cancel any necessary transactions, such as if a customer has cancelled their order.
More information on this can be found here.

Check Transactions > Untracked Transactions:
If for any reason the tracking has not worked for a transaction, a publisher can upload it as an untracked transaction.
This will then need to be approved or declined from your account within 30 days from the uploaded date.

Check Transactions > Cancellation Report:

All transactions that you have cancelled.

Simply select the date range and run the report.

Transaction Report > Sales Report:

Shows all sale transactions for the date range specified.

Select the date range and choose the required programmes from the drop down menu.

Media Report:

Shows how many clicks and sales (including key sales info such as source and order values) have come from users clicking on media links such as banners.

Simply select the date range and run the report.

If you are looking to check your banners, or upload new creatives, check here for guidance.

Publisher Reports > Publisher Report:

View performance of individual publishers on your programme/s over specified time period.

Shows key performance stats as well as publisher information.

Publisher Reports > Publisher Comparison Report:

Compare publisher performance (sales, clicks, order value) over two specified timeframes.

Daily Breakdown Report: 

Shows a detailed breakdown of sales, filtered daily, weekly or monthly over specified timeframe.

You will also have the option to search individual publishers.

Product Breakdown Report:

Here you can view which products have been purchased within each transaction.

*Please note this will only run if you have Product Level Tracking set up within your tracking. For further info please raise a ticket / contact the team.*

Voucher Report: 
Here you can view the performance of any voucher codes you are currently running, filtered either by voucher or by publisher.
Select the date range and click run report.

*Please note this will only run if you have Voucher Level Tracking set up within your tracking. For further info please raise a ticket / contact the team.*

Monthly Report: 

An overview summary of monthly performance. These are generated to coincide with invoices (approx 10th of the month).

A graph showing a comparison with the months in the year previous is also generated.

Export Reports: 

A selection of reports are available to download from your account.

Select report type, file type, and date range (max. date range is 366 days).

Click on request report and the report will be available to download within the next 15 minutes (typically this only takes a minute or two).

For guidance on selecting the correct report, click the "Which Report?" box to view which data is provided in each report.

Scheduled Reports: 

Here you can set up reports to be emailed out either daily, weekly or monthly.

Either select 'Add New Report' to create a new report, or choose 'View All' to see current planned reports.

After selecting Add New Report, choose report type, file format, frequency, and the email/s you would like the reports to be sent to. If entering multiple email addresses, please separate each with a single comma.

You can also password protect these reports - simply add the password you wish to use to open the report once delivered.

Reporting APIs: 

A list of the APIs available to advertisers.
For more information on this, please see here.